Next generation digital solutions with Web3 and AI.

We help organizations adopt and implement Web3 and AI technologies for more secure and trustworthy digital solutions, increasing efficiency and reducing fraud. Our solutions utilize blockchain, distributed identities, verifiable credentials, trust registries, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and semantic web technologies, as applicable, to solve your business problems.


Blockchain technology enables shared, distributed ledger with tamper-resistant transactions. We help you strategize, design, and develop blockchain-based applications for financial products involving crypto assets, supply chain tracking, and secured and trusted sharing of health and vital records across variety of blockchain platforms.

Decentralized identifiers

Globally unique and cryptographically verifiable Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Self Sovereign Identity frameworks address the challenge of establishing trust in online digital transactions, while allowing users to retain control over their identity.   We help you build the next generation digital solutions that enable decentralized digital identity management, to provide better security, privacy, and fraud protection—ultimately improving customer trust.

Verifiable credentials

Verifiable Credentials (VCs) provide cryptographically secure, privacy-respecting, and machine-verifiable credentials that people can own and control within a “digital wallet.” We help build solutions for verifiable evidence, such as university degrees, professional qualifications, government IDs, or proof of employment.

Trust registries

We help build trust frameworks and trust registries for verifiable credential ecosystems to map existing trust relationships into the digital world. The trust registries maintain an approved lists of issuers, verifiers, wallets, schemas and other entities, so that the verifiable credentials are easy to trust and verify.


Our AI/ML services help you mine through large amounts of data to discover patterns, gain insights, and make decisions. The effectiveness of AI/ML depends on the data it is based on. Blockchain and other Web3 technologies help with trusted data, to improve the outcome of the AI/ML systems.

Semantic Web

Semantic web is a web of linked data that enables better understanding of the meaning of data. We help evaluate the applicability of semantic web technologies in your digital solutions, as well as its integration with blockchains, DIDs, and VCs implementations, to create rich knowledge graphs.

Our services


We know that adopting Web3 technologies has to be about business and not implementing technologies for technology’s sake. We help you define your goals and evaluate applicability of Web3 technologies to meet those goals. Our strategy assessment provides business model and value analysis, challenges and opportunities, and uncovers the potential enterprise impact to help you prioritize and plan your digital transformation.


Web3 technologies are still evolving, with different ideas, interpretations, and solutions, with lack of interoperability. We understand these challenges and work with standards bodies to ensure that we provide right guidance to you when it comes to technology stack selection and implementation. We bring our experience with different blockchain platforms, the DID and VC solutions, to help you with solution architecture, technical development, to ensure that your solutions deliver value today.


Web3 solutions involve working across organizational boundaries in a decentralized manner. Though decentralized, decisions still need to be made for and about the technical implementation and solution ecosystem. We bring our deep expertise to provide you with governance strategy, design and implementation based on IEEE Blockchain Governance Standards, ToIP Governance Meta model and ISO Blockchain Governance standards.